Engaged Spirituality Team


Vision and Mission Statements

Vision – (The “Big Picture”)
The Engaged Spirituality Team supports the positive evolution of humanity and the planet by applying New Thought spiritual principles to create justice, peace, and harmony in a world that works for everyone.

Mission – (How we accomplish it)
For those interested, Unity-Five Cities will provide information and opportunity to be involved through:
1. Volunteering at church, helping with food and clothing drives, etc.
2. Taking classes, and workshops or joining book study groups
3. Join a church or community discussion group
4. Join and/or volunteer with non-profit organizations
5. Independent activity such as signing a partition, joining a march, writing a letter, contacting an official.


Engaged Spirituality is a calling from the Christ within each of us to step forward and offer our time, talents, and possibly our treasures in support of causes which speak directly to our souls. Just as Jesus engaged equitably within each community he entered we are called to engage with others in our communities applying love and compassion while helping solve active situations in our communities and beyond.

By knowing, following and applying Unity principles we ‘walk our talk’ with the goal of respectfully listening, sharing and improving each life situation.

We envision a society governed by love and motivated by compassion. We honor the truth that all human beings are inherently good, created equal, and equally loved by their Source - God the Good.

We honor and practice affirmative prayer, hence we are not ‘against anyone or anything’ but we are for: equality, justice, accountability, honesty, transparency, respect, open communication, responsibility, inclusivity, and the renewed health of our planet, her resources, her peoples and all her living beings.

We agree that all are interconnected. What happens to our planet, her resources, the plants, animals, and any person affects each of us. We choose causes that talk to our individual souls. We may be creatively moved to speak up and show up in our own unique way knowing we all are one.

We practice loving kindness and do not judge ourselves or others. We do however speak up and stand up for our principles and apply them in support of others who may need our unity.

We choose to stay non-political. We apply our principles while interacting with all including elected officials.


Avenues of Action

1. Volunteering at church, helping with food and clothing drives, etc.
For chruch volunteer opportunities, upcoming fundraisers, food and clothing drives, etc., watch for announcements in the newsletter and weekly mailings or Contact Chris Garey 
2. Taking classes, and workshops or joining book study groups
Check the Unity-Five Cities Events Calendar  https://www.unity5cities.org/calendar
Use MeetUp to find special interest groups in your area  https://www.meetup.com/find 
3. Join a church or community discussion group
Join the Unity-Five Cities Engaged Spirituality Team. Contact Rev. Brian Walker
Use MeetUp to find special interest groups in your area  https://www.meetup.com/find
4. Join and/or volunteer with non-profit organizations. Links to non-profit directories:
GreatNonprofits  greatnonprofits.org Find and review San Luis Obispo charities, nonprofits and volunteering and donation opportunities. Want to donate or volunteer?
Local Agency Links from United Way of San Luis Obispo County  https://www.unitedwayslo.org/local-agency-links  SLO County is home to more than 1000 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
Directory of Charities and Nonprofit Organizations - GuideStar  www.guidestar.org
5. Independent activity such as signing a partition, joining a march, writing a letter, contacting an official.
Watch for annoncements at Sunday Celebrations
Check the news for community events and actions